Wednesday, January 30, 2008

History 4004 students, Winter 2008

I am not going to create a full scale course blog for my new "American History and American Popular Culture" couse, but I will be using this space to occasionally post useful items for the class, such as a pdf of the syllabus, with some clickable links for the web readings. You may notice some additions to the "Movies of the Week" column and the addition of dates for some of the films that got remade. The additions are not intended as more work, but instead as a wider range of choices.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Springsteen's politics: Some useful links

I am teaching a Popular Culture and History course this semester, and sometimes I will use this space to post materials that will be using for class.

Not much to see . . .

I have been in need of place to easily post stuff that does not have to do with any of my other course blogs, so here it is.